Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Exam 3: Take Home Exam

MUSI 1306 (Understanding Music) Exam 3 – Take Home Exam

Essay (25 points per answer, 100 points total)
Choose FOUR of the following questions. Be sure to outline your thoughts and find appropriate support for your argument. Your answers of 300-400 words (for each topic) should draw from class readings, lectures/videos, discussions, and your own insight. Post your answers as one file on Turnitin.com by 11:59pm on Tuesday, May 11, 2010. No late submissions will be accepted.

1. The consultation of ethnomusicologist Wanda Bryant in the music of Avatar is significant in understanding the steps taken to produce a film score of this nature. How do James Horner and Wanda Bryant separate the soundscapes representing the Na’vi and humans? Discuss the differences in musical characteristics and point to particular songs or scenes in which these differences are heard. Also consider the implications of these two soundscapes. How does this shape the audience’s watching/listening experience? (Tip: Avatar is now available to rent or purchase in stores, and it may be helpful to watch this movie again if your original notes are not detailed.)

2. This semester, we discussed four opera cultures: early 19th century Italian opera, late 19th century Italian opera, opera’s presence in music cultures today, and the operas of Philip Glass. Write about one music culture, and include all four aspects of music culture (ideas, activities, repertoires, material culture).

3. Our discussion of American musicals focused on the impact of Oklahoma and its reflexivity of musicals to American culture of that time. How was this musical reflexive? Be specific and include support from the article reading, class lecture/video. Since this musical is still widely performed today, what aspects of this musical still reflect American society in 2010?

4. The film The Language You Cry In presents an interdisciplinary project involving an ethnomusicologist, anthropologist, and linguist to trace the roots of one Gullah family to Sierra Leone. Why is this significant? (Be sure to refer back to video rather than to focus on merely personal feelings regarding this issue.) This project also brings about new concerns in ethnomusicology with regards to preservation documentation and analysis (that is studying music cultures in collaborative projects with the intent to preserve them). Unfortunately, there are far more music cultures than ethnomusicologists or funding for this type of research. In the Dallas area, list one music culture which should be preserved and studied. What other specialists should be involved?

5. The discussion of urban versus electric blues often leads to a heated debate over authenticity and the long time question: “Can white people sing the blues?” Address both sides of this argument without making your own personal opinion known.

6. Choose to write about one subgenre of rock. Be sure to address all of the following: a tradition in which this subgenre was created (i.e. influential genres), ideas which make this subgenre unique from other subgrenres of rock, performance-related aspects of this music culture (i.e. mosh pits), notable artists and songs, and patterns of audience members of this music culture (i.e. age ranges, genders, ethnicity/race, etc.).

NOTE: To prevent collusion, these answers should not appear on your class blog. You should also avoid copy/pasting from your class blog as well as this will appear on your originality report.
Please submit to Turnitin.com early to avoid any problems in the way of originality long before the deadline.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Remaining Classes

This is just a quick reminder that the remainder of the semester is as follows:

Tuesday, April 27th:
8:00am - Performance Report 2 DUE (Turnitin.com and class blog)
8:30-9:45am - Exam 3 Questions Distributed for Take-Home Exam, Course Evaluations

Thursday, April 29th:
8:30-9:45am - Make-up Video Watching of Language You Cry In (optional class)

Tuesday, May 11th:
11:59pm - Exam 3 DUE on Turnitin.com
11:59pm - Extra Credit blog posts DUE on class blog
no exam during scheduled exam period

Friday, April 23, 2010

Extra Credit Blog Posts

You may receive credit for up to five of the below extra credit blog posts. Blog posts are due Tuesday, May 11th at 11:59pm on your class blog.

UT-Dallas Spring Arts Festival
Write a 300-word performance report post for each Spring Festival event you attend (from the options below). Be sure to mention the music itself (using music vocabulary), the performers/performance, audience, and time/space. NOTE: You may not write about an event in which you performed!

Musica Nova - 8:00 pm - Performance Hall

Voice/Senior Honors recitals - 2:00 pm - University Theatre

Piano Solo Recital - 4:00pm - Performance Hall
Piano Courses - 6:00 pm - Performance Hall
Composition Courses - 8:00 pm - Performance Hall

Guitar Courses - 7:00 pm - Performance Hall
String Orchestra - 7:30 pm - University Theatre

Beginning Voice - 6:00 pm - Performance Hall
Electric Guitar/Jazz Band - 7:30 pm - Performance Hall
Novis - 8:30 pm - Performance Hall

Wind Ensemble - 4:00 pm - Performance Hall
Choral Concert - 8:00 pm - University Theatre

Mariachi in DFW
Write a 300-word post for each mariachi event which addresses the aspects of music performance (music itself, performer/performance, audience, time/space) as well as answers the following question: What does this event tell us about mariachi in Dallas/Fort Worth today? (For example: Are new instruments being introduced? What is the target audience?) Below is a list of approved events. If you have any recommendations for events, please leave a comment to this post with details and a website if possible. I will update as I learn of more events.

Friday Nights at La Mexicana Restaurant (7:30-9:30pm) in Duncanville

Saturday, May 1st - Cinco de Mayo in the West End - FREE
12:00pm - 12:30 pm: Bryan Adams HS Mariachi Band
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm: Mariachi 90
Note: The DART Rail has a stop in the West End

Wednesday, May 5th (start around 5pm) - Cinco de Mayo at Mattitos Restaurant in Dallas
*This is an approximate time since the Mariachi bands will perform as well as a salsa band in the evening. The mariachi band will stay for 2 hours but their exact time has yet to be established.

Dallas area restaurant - El Ranchito's website shows daily mariachi bands, but you might call ahead before dining to be find out what time the mariachi bands perform.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Last Music Culture Blog Post (due 8am Tuesday, April 20)

In preparation for the lecture on Rock music cultures, write a 200-300-word blog post which does the following:

1) Introduces the elements of one subgenre of Rock (see pages 352-353 for a sample list of elements). When compiling your list, consider the unique elements of this subgenre. You may tie in the elements of music culture as well as music performance for ideas.

2) Gives an example of this rock subgenre with a Listening Guide (see Listening Guides in your textbook for examples) which guides the reader through the song.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Side Show: The Musical (Required Performance for Performance Report 2)

As noted in your syllabus (see Grading Policy with assignment descriptions and required on-campus events and the course calendar), the class is required to attend the on-campus production of Side Show: The Musical for Performance Report 2. Performances are 8pm on Thursdays/Fridays/Saturdays for the next 2 weeks. (April 8-10 and 15-17) For more information, click here.

If you cannot attend this performance, please email me immediately or speak with me before/after class.

Extra Credit Blog Post (due Tuesday, April 20th at 8am)
We spoke last class about the post 1943 being a reflection on society. Post a 200-300-word blog post which examines Side Show: The Musical and discusses how this musical reflects society today. (Since this performance is for a college audience, please focus on this specific "society.") Keep in mind that this blog post is separate from your Performance Report 2 and should not address the four aspects of music performance.
Note: Anyone may participate in this extra credit regardless of previous extra credit posts.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Music Culture Blog Post 11 (due Tuesday, April 13)

In place of the textbook reading on "African-American Music," please read and watch the following online material on the Gullah people of South Carolina and Georgia and complete the following blog activity.

- "Introduction" The Gullah: Rice, Slavery, and the Sierra Leone-American Connection
- "The Origin of the Gullah"
- "Gullah Customs and Traditions"
- "The Gullah Today"
- "Conclusion"
- "A Gullah Song in Mende"
- Gullah Island

- Gullah/Geechee Nation International Music & Movement Festival

Blog Post 11
From the above reading and watching, write a 200-300-word post introducing the music culture of the Gullah people. To provide a general overview, you may include the aspects of music culture (ideas, activities, repertoires, and material culture) as well as aspects of music performance (music, performers, audience, time/space) from the above YouTube examples as well as up to one example of your choosing. As is the case with any blog post, avoid any and all evaluation of this music culture or the information above.

Note: This is not required for this blog post, be sure to read other students' blog posts for this assignment before coming to class on Thursday, April 15th. Although our discussion of music cultures will change from Tuesday to Thursday, several issues will be consistent between the discussions.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Extra Credit Blog Posts

You may receive credit for up to one blog post based on the events below. Be sure to address all aspects of "music performance" (music, performers, audience, and time/space) in 200-300 words.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Video Examples from Today's Lecture

The following is a list of videos shown or mentioned during today's lecture. For the exam, please be ready to identify the difference between early and late 19th century Italian opera. You can identify the examples for the exam by the asterisk* after the title. (To aid you in identifying the time period, I will play the first 10 seconds of the clip and 10 seconds of the second half of the clip during the exam.)

Early 19th Century Italian Opera
Rossini - Il Babiere di Siviglia

Donizetti - Linda di Chamounix*

Donizetti - Lucia di Lammermoor

Late 19th Century Italian Opera
Puccini - La Boheme*

Giordano - Andrea Chenier

Opera in late 20th/early 21st Century American Music-Culture
British Airways Commercial (Delibes - Lakme)

The Fifth Element (Donizetti - Lucia di Lammermoor)

Philadelphia (Giordano - Andrea Chenier)

The Muppets Pigoletto with Beverly Sills (Verdi - La Traviata)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Syllabus Reading Change for Thursday, April 1st

Please switch the reading for Thursday, April 1st with Thursday, April 8th (and vice versa). Here is the assigned reading for the next two weeks:

Tuesday, March 30th: Italian Opera
Handouts 1 and 2

Thursday, April 1st: Philip Glass and Akhanten
Listen to the Interview and Read the Transcript

Tuesday, April 6th: American Musicals
JSTOR “Oklahoma!: Ideology and Politics in the Vernacular Tradition of the American Musical” by Paul Filmer, Val Rimmer, and Dave Walsh

Thursday, April 8th: The "Nashville Sound": Chet Atkins
1. Listen to the interview on NPR with Tommy Emmanuel and the recording below of "Tiptoe Through the Bluegrass" featuring both Tommy Emmanuel and Chet Atkins.

As you read the biography of Chet Atkins on All Music and The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, listen the recordings of the people mentioned. Need an extra credit blog post? Create a 200-300-word post which summarizes Chet's life with embedded YouTube videos of 1) people who influenced Chet Atkins, 2) Chet Atkins himself, 3) People who were influenced by Chet Atkins. Embed the videos as they are introduced in your biographical summary.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Friday, March 26th Shakespeare in Song

In response to the class vote on Tuesday, I will attend the Friday performance of the Shakespeare in Song concert and will be available afterwards for questions. If you choose to attend this event this weekend for the Performance Report 1, please bring any questions you may have to class on Tuesday, March 30th as I will dedicate the first 15 minutes of class to answering questions for this report.

Note: Shakespeare in Song will take place over three performances:

The following is a list of approved events for Performance Report 1 if you do not wish to attend Shakespeare in Song:
  • Richardson Community Band "Spring Showcase" at the Eisenmann Center (Richardson near Galatyn Pkwy and 75 Central) at 2pm on Sunday, March 28th. Ticket prices are between $5-7.
  • Hanami Cherry Blossom Festival at the Dallas Arboretum at 11:30am on Sunday, March 28th. Event tickets are free but require admission into the Arboretum ($6.50 with UTD Comet Center advance purchase). Parking onsite is $7 (with free offsite parking at the YMCA).
  • Radio UTD Prom Party at the SU 2.602 Galaxy Room on Saturday, March 27th (8 - 11 p.m.)
  • Jazz in the Atrium at the Dallas Museum of Art every Thursday night from 6-8pm
Other events can be approved through the instructor if details are provided.

Required Reading for Tuesday, March 30 and Blog Post 10

Required Reading
Please read the following handouts for our discussion on Western European Opera.

Handout 1

Handout 2
(Skip down to "Later Italian Composers" on page 688)

Blog Post 10
Part 1 (due Tuesday, March 30 by 8am)
Find a YouTube video which shows a clip from one opera by a composer in your reading. Write a 200-300-word post describing both the music (using your music vocabulary from Chapters 2-5) and the performers and embed the video in the post. (Tip: To embed a video, copy the "embed" link on YouTube and paste it to your blog on the "Edit Html" tab in Blogspot.)

Part 2 (due Thursday, April 1 by 8am)
Find another student's blog post 10 video and add a comment with additional music and/or performer description.

Shakespeare in Song Lecture Listening

Although there is no required reading for tomorrow's lecture, please listen to the following sound/video clips.

3 Shakespeare Songs, Op. 6 (Note: You will need to enter your Student ID and last name (lower cases) to access this online database if you are off-campus.)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Change of Plans: No Dallas Symphony Orchestra Tickets

The Dallas Symphony Orchestra (unofficial) field trip has been postponed until April, but we have a few options which I will leave to a class vote:

1) Attend the Richardson Community Band "Spring Showcase" at the Eisenmann Center (Richardson near Galatyn Pkwy and 75 Central) at 2pm on Sunday, March 28th. Ticket prices are between $5-7.

2) Attend the Hanami Cherry Blossom Festival at the Dallas Arboretum at 11:30am on Sunday, March 28th. Event tickets are free but require admission into the Arboretum ($6.50 with UTD Comet Center advance purchase). Parking onsite is $7 (with free offsite parking at the YMCA).

3) Attend UTD's Shakespeare in Song in the Jonsson Performance Hall on Friday, March 26th or Saturday, March 27th at 8pm.

4) An event recommendation by the students?

This event is in preparation for the Performance Report 1 due Tuesday, April 6th. Please keep in mind that attending an event as a class is purely optional. You may attend any of the above events (or an instructor-approved event of your choice) on your own for this report. I am only organizing a focal event in case you would like to meet afterwards and ask questions for the report.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

UT-Dallas Scholarships (Deadline March 31st)

Several UT-Dallas scholarships have upcoming application deadlines.

Tip: When asking faculty for a letter of recommendation, it is helpful to request a letter in person (i.e. during office hours or by appointment) with a copy of your transcript and a copy of the personal narrative required for the application. Be sure you are doing well in the professor's course and ideally ensure that the professor remembers you if it has been more than one semester since you took his/her course.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Blog Entry 9 & Change in Course Calendar for Tuesday, March 23rd

Please replace the current topic for Tuesday, March 23rd with the following:
The Music Culture of Avatar
Assigned Reading/Watching: Watch Avatar (if you have not already) and find any information about the music of Avatar for the blog post below and class discussion.

Blog Post 9
Ethnomusicologist Wanda Bryant consulted on Avatar with the goal of identifying a music culture both for the film score (a soundscape of the film if you will) and the culture of the Na'vi. Since her work on the film, she has spoken to many college ethnomusicology classes regarding the process of creating "otherworldly sounds". After watching the film, blog about the two types of music (film score and Na'vi) and comment on the differences between these two types. Can you identify the separation of the film score and the music of the Na'vi? If it has been a while since you watched the movie, try to listen to the soundtrack again.

Musical Ethnography Frequently Asked Questions

Today's class focused on specific questions regarding the ethnography due Thursday. Below is a summary of our discussion with a few links for more information.

Citations and Sources
Everything you consulted (i.e. program notes, people, the event, etc.) to write about this music-culture is considered a source and must be cited. The purpose of citations and a Works Cited page is two-fold:
1) Give credit to the source
2) Provide information the reader needs to locate the source

Since you are writing blog entries, it is understandable that other forms of citation (i.e. hyperlinks) might be more appropriate. If you have a website you wish to cite, you may choose to hyperlink part of a sentence or a quote instead of providing the in-text citation and adding a Works Cited page. You MUST, however, do or or the other.

How do you cite using MLA?
I have included a helpful website with a brief overview of MLA citation as well as sample entries here.

How do you cite the event you attended or program notes (if available)?
Please refer to the information under "Works Cited" in your Performance Report assignment guidelines.

Macro-Level Organization (General Ethnography Organization)
Please make use of heading titles (i.e. bold, underline, or italics) for the major sections (Introduction, Methodology, Aspects of Music Culture, Conclusion) as well as sub-topics (Ideas, Activities, Repertoires, Material Culture). Be sure to break down the aspects of music culture for the majority of your report.

Writing About Music vs. Writing About Music Culture
Some students have struggled with trying to write about the music using the music vocabulary we have discussed this semester. Please keep in mind that this ethnography is about a music culture, not just the music itself. You may choose to focus on a particular musical elements in the "Ideas" section, but keep this limited to the musical elements you feel comfortable explaining. There is considerable flexibility in this assignment. Although you MUST write something about each aspect and address as many questions as possible, put more content in sections about which you are more sure and confident.

Embedding Videos and Adding Photos
Because this assignment is a blogged assignment, there are options in this submission that you do not have in a paper ethnography. Feel free to add hyperlinks to direct the reader to more information, videos (embedded or linked) to show examples of this music culture, or pictures. At the same time, you should comment on any videos, audio clips, or pictures you include and indicate why it was included.

Presentations over this ethnography are extra credit and do not require any formal dress or PowerPoint. If you would like to show the ethnography on your blog, you are welcome to use the computer. Most presentations will be about 3-5 minutes depending on the number of students interested. Even if you do not plan to present, come to class. There will be a double participation grade on Thursday.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Extra Credit Blog Posts (Due Tuesday AFTER event)

You may receive credit for up to two blog posts based on the events below. Be sure to address "music culture" blogs using the four aspects of music culture (ideas, activities, repertoires, and material culture).

1. Texas Annual Guitar Competition (March 4-6)
Volunteer for the competition and blog about the music culture of this competition from your volunteer experience.
Visit the Arts & Performance Office (in Visual Arts Building) for remaining volunteer opportunity schedule and details.

2. Indian Classical Music Circle Event "Madhya Laya - A Taal Vadya Ensemble presenting Rhythms and Ragas of India" (Saturday, April 10, 2010)
Attend the event and blog about the music culture based on your understanding of Hindustani music.

3. Rodrigo Toscano Poetry Reading (March 10)
Attend the above poetry reading and blog an answer to the following question: Is poetry music? Refer to the lecture regarding our definition of music and support your answer using the textbook, examples for comparison, or other sources you deem as credible. Be sure to explain your reasoning.

4. Music event listed on the DFW International Calendar for the month of March (music ranges from Irish festivals to West African Drumming)
Attend one music event from the DFW International Calendar and blog about the music culture. If this is a music culture we have discussed in class, make note of variations from the examples presented in class. If this is not a music culture discussed in class, what can you determine from your attendance regarding this music culture?

Monday, March 1, 2010

Exam 2: Listening Examples

"I Bring What I Love" Youssou N’Dour (Senegal)

"Amal Hayaty" Umm Kulthum (Egyptian Popular)

"Gerye Konam Ya Nakonam" Googoosh

"Nimbooda" Hindi Film Music

"Kanashii Sake" Do-Enka

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Blog Post 7 (now due Friday, March 5th at 11:59pm) and Blog Post 8 (due Tuesday, March 9th at 8am)

Blog entries 7 and 8 will be based on your musical ethnography research. (Note: This does NOT replace your blog post OF your musical ethnography due on March 11th.)

Blog Post 7
Introduce this music culture to your blog followers by giving a general overview with links to any online resources available.

Blog Post 8
Comment on the difficulties in analyzing this music culture. Are you having any difficulties obtaining information? Are events postponed or canceled? Is it difficult to conduct an interview? Keep your readership in mind as it is possible some members of this music culture might read your blog.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Supplement to Chapter 9: India

Tuesday, February 16, 2010: Indian Classical Music

Ali Akbar Khan

Opening audio clip from NPR regarding Ali Akbar Khan can be found below.

Instrument Museum
The Virtual Instrument Museum of Wesleyan University.

Instrument Demonstrations:
Sitar, Sarod, Bin (Vina), Sarangi, Tambura, Bansuri, Harmonium, Nagasvaram (Shahnai), Mrdangam, Tabla.

Thursday, February 18, 2010: Hindi Film Music

Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam


"Chanda Chupa"

"Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam"

Slumdog Millionaire (NOT a Hindi Film)
Why isn't this film considered a Hindi film? There are a variety of articles and opinion reports on this topic with a number of arguments, but consider the music of this film. Much of the ornamentation we heard in Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam is missing in "Jai Ho." The female timbre is also quite different from the "thin, reedy" timbre we discussed in class.

If we had more time in class to discuss this topic and watch/listen to examples, it would be easy to notice additional missing elements, such as the lack of dancing in much of the remaining songs.

An interview with film's composer, A.R. Rahman, on NPR:

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Post 6 – Due February 23, 2010 at 8am

Find one YouTube video of Japanese Noh. Using your textbook reading, the YouTube video, and possibly one website, develop a list of elements of Japanese Noh.

Purpose of This Post:
Explain this list of elements to any blog followers and use your YouTube video (embedded or linked) as an example. Be sure to use hyperlinks (use the "Insert Link" feature) of any websites you use to give credit.

WARNING: Avoid the tendency to evaluate. Focus on objective description.

Chinese Artists (from the Chinese student troupe discussion)

As promised, I have posted a series of links and video below from our discussion with the student art troupe from the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, China.

Liu Huan
Video of his live performance of "You and Me" with Sarah Brightman at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing:

The televised video for this song:

His performance of "One World, One Dream" for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing:

Jay Chou
There is an interesting article about his upcoming performance in Hollywood here.
Here is a music video of his song "Qi Li Xiang" (Orange Jasmine):

An a music video of "Qing Hua Ci"

Song Zuying
A video performance of "The Bright Moon above the Miao Mountain"

This performance of "Dragon Boat Tune" is appropriate in light of the recent Lunar New Year:

Cui Jian
("The Father of Chinese Rock")
An interesting note: Cui Jian is Korean-Chinese (ethnically Korean/living in China)
"无所有(Nothing to my name)"
This particular song is quite famous since it was the anthem for the Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989

A Popular New Remix

"Fake Monk"

Monday, February 8, 2010

Post 5 – Due February 16, 2010 at 8am

Find one YouTube video featuring one Hindustani (North Indian Classical Music) NOT featuring Ravi Shankar performances and write a blog post commenting on the musical elements in this song. Use your textbook reading to give you ideas and assistance. WARNING: Avoid the tendency to evaluate the performance as you would a concert review. Focus on objective description.

Battle of the Bands (Announcement for Comet Conservatory Fundraiser)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Interested in Comet Conservatory?

Comet Conservatory is a student organization at UT-Dallas open to all students with prior music experience of any type. They have meetings every other week (Wednesdays at 7:30pm) to organize events, including an upcoming Battle of the Bands fundraiser, and brainstorm goals for the organization.

Facebook Group
Student Organization Email - Best Method of Contact and Source of Information (via mailing list)

Their next meeting is Wednesday, February 3rd at 7:30pm in AH1.

Blog Post Tips and Music Ethnography Event Reminder

Blog Post Tips
After reviewing many of your blog posts over the past few weeks, I have noticed a few patterns in several posts on which I'd like to comment:
  • Be sure to read the post directions carefully. Many blog post #3 entries include commentary on more than one song. Others, include only comments about the music itself. This is only one aspect of the music performance. What did you notice in the performers? How did the time and space change the performance? (Keep in mind that I wouldn't ask you to attend if the experience wasn't different than watching a YouTube video.) In many cases, students who have failed to read the directions have had difficulty keeping to the length restrictions, thus, making this more difficult than needed.

  • Use line breaks to separate paragraphs. This isn't a paper. Blogs often read in short paragraphs with heading if needed. Feel free to adjust the formatting and your paragraph length so that your post reads well. (The one-paragraph blog post is often just harder to read.)

  • Add posts with your own music interests or in preparation for/reaction to class discussions. Remember that you can use your extra blog posts to help your participation grade.

  • Submit blog posts on time, both on your blog and in Turnitin.com. Although your blog will receive a bulk grade, it is important to submit each blog on time. If you have not already submitted Blog #2 with your proposal, please do so ASAP. Some students were absent during the in-class proposal response.

Music Ethnography Proposals
Nearly all proposals are accepted. I will review concerns regarding your proposals this week and make comments directly to your blog if needed. Please keep in mind that the Music Ethnography Guidelines are provided on here as well as on the right column of this blog. Read these guidelines BEFORE you attend the event you wish to use.

Follow-up on Senegalese Popular Music

Recap from African Traditional Music (with emphasis on Ewe drumming):
  • Know Elements of Traditional African Music
  • The Atsia Suit (CD 1, Track 1) will appear on your Listening Identification for the next exam. Review the Listening Guide.
  • Video Examples of Ewe drumming: Example 1 & Example 2
Senegalese Popular Music: Youssou N'Dour & Didier Awadi

Youssou N'Dour
Here are the questions we discussed pre-1989 N'Dour, including the JSTOR article, "Key to N'Dour: Roots of the Senegalese Star."
  • Why is Youssou N’Dour popular in Senegal?
  • What were the general complaints of some Senegambians about Youssou N’Dour?
  • What values does N’Dour uphold?
  • What role does bootlegging (selling of illegal copies) play in this music-culture?
  • What are the similarities between N’Dour’s music and that of the Ewe people (from your guest lecture and assigned reading)? (Note: avoid obvious answers, such as “the same continent”)
Vocabulary to Know:
  • Kora
  • Tama
  • Wolof
  • Gewel
I Bring What I Love and the controversy over N'Dour's Egypt album.
(Note: As asked in class, you can rent or buy the documentary through Amazon Video on Demand.)

Senegalese Rap: Didier Awadi
  • Rap
Relevant Videos

Post 4 – Due February 9, 2010 at 8am

Find one YouTube video featuring one of Googoosh's performances and write a blog post commenting on the musical elements in this song. Use your textbook reading and the electronic article to give you ideas and assistance. If musical elements do not appear in your textbook and sound foreign to Iranian culture, make an educated guess as to the style of music which might influence this song. WARNING: Avoid the tendency to evaluate the performance as you would a concert review. Focus on objective description.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Extra Credit Blog Posts (Due Tuesday, February 9th at 8am )

There are 2 more events on the weekend of February 4th that I would like to announce as potential extra credit blog posts. I will accept a maximum of 2 of the following extra credit blog post opportunities:

Extra Credit Blog Post 1: Chinese Cultural Exchange
Attend the IN-CLASS discussion with the UIBE (University of International Business and Economy) Students Art Troupe from China on Thursday, February 4th (location TBA) and create a blog post which comments on this discussion. Avoid mere summaries and attempt to engage possible readers in a larger discussion of Chinese music and culture.

Extra Credit Blog Post 2: Chamber Orchestra Kremlin Open Rehearsal
Attend the open rehearsal for the Chamber Orchestra Kremlin concert on Friday, February 5th at 5pm in the Conference Center and take notes regarding the rehearsal process. Performance Theorist, Richard Schechner, defines rehearsal as "the phase of a rehearsal process where the specific details of a performance are [discarded,] shaped, repeated, and made ready for public showing." Create a blog post which comments on the performance process from this perspective. What is discarded, shaped, repeated, and/or made ready for the concert?

Extra Credit Blog Post 3: Chamber Orchestra Kremlin Concert
Attend the Chamber Orchestra Kremlin concert on Friday, February 5th at 8pm in the Conference Center and observe the elements of music performance (music, performers, audience, time and space). Attend the post-concert reception in Hoblitzelle Hall, right next to Conference Center, as well (required for this extra credit). Create a blog post which comments on the music-culture brought together by this concert and reception. Focus your attention on the audience members who stayed versus those who left. Avoid stereotypes with ethnocentric assumptions (i.e. The college students left because they had something better to do.).

Extra Credit Blog Post 4: Chinese New Year Celebration
Attend the Chinese New Year concert on Saturday, February 6th and focus your attention on the aspects of music performance (Music, Performers, Audience, Time/Space). Create a blog post which comments on this music performance. As in the post above, avoid mere summaries and attempt to engage possible readers in a larger discussion of Chinese music and culture.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Chinese Cultural Exchange Event in February (update

The student troupe from China will be able to visit during our class on Thursday, February 4th. I will still count the blog post as extra credit. Please see the updated syllabus under "Important Class Links" to the right.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Exam 1 Review

We will discuss this exam review in class, but here is the review in PDF format. Be sure to click on the links for the Listening Identification. You may need Windows Media Player to access one sound clip (Monophony). If all else fails, bring earphones to the computer labs on campus.

For this exam only...
Lecture notes are now available for Chapter 1, Chapters 2/3, and Chapters 4/5. If you do not have the username and password, please email me asap.

Extra Credit Blog Posts (Due Tuesday, February 9th at 8am )

The following blog posts can replace a required blog post or add additional points to your blog grade in this class:

Extra Credit Blog Post 1:
Attend the out-of-class discussion with the UIBE (University of International Business and Economy) Students Art Troupe from China on Thursday, February 4th (Time TBA) and create a blog post which comments on this discussion. Avoid mere summaries and attempt to engage possible readers in a larger discussion of Chinese music and culture.

Extra Credit Blog Post 2:
Attend the Chinese New Year concert on Saturday, February 6th and focus your attention on the aspects of music performance (Music, Performers, Audience, Time/Space). Create a blog post which comments on this music performance. As in the post above, avoid mere summaries and attempt to engage possible readers in a larger discussion of Chinese music and culture.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Post 3 – February 2, 2010 at 8am

Attend the Music Faculty Concert (40th Anniversary) on Friday, January 29th at 8pm in Conference Center (or an approved alternative event) and take notes regarding the Elements of Music Performance (Music, Performers, Audience, Time/Space). In your blog entry, describe one song from this event using the four elements above. Try not to exceed the 300-word limit. WARNING: Avoid the tendency to evaluate the performance as you would a concert review. Focus on objective description.

Post 2 – January 28, 2010 at 8am

Propose one Dallas music-culture as a subject for your music ethnography. Provide basic information about this music-culture and emphasize its local culture as separate from any larger association (i.e. Dallas Hindustani Classical Music scene as separate from Hindustani Classical Music elsewhere, especially within India). Be sure to provide hyperlinks to relevant websites and feel free to include pictures, videos, etc. as long as credit is given.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Turnitin.com Announcement

To ensure everyone focuses on the blog creation, first post, and the music ethnography guidelines, I will not count off on your first blog post if you do not submit to Turnitin.com. I would still prefer to see everyone create Turnitin.com account and register for the class (email if you missed this information on the first day), but I will not require submission to both locations until Blog Post 2.

Alternative Events to Required Event on Friday, January 29th

As noted in the syllabus, event attendance is required to the Music Faculty Concert on Friday, January 29th at 8pm in the Conference Center. This is a required event for all music courses and will be the subject of Blog Post 3. Since this announcement comes less than one month from the event, I will allow two alternative events: THIS Sunday's Japan-America Society Mochitsuki Festival ($8 admission fee but includes mochi and drinks) or the N'Awlins Gumbo Kings on Friday, January 22nd.

For those attending the festival this Sunday afternoon, please take notes during the festival regarding all aspects of music-culture discussed in class today:

1.Ideas About Music (Belief System, Aesthetics, Contexts, History)
2.Activities Involving Music
3.Repertoires of Music (Style, Genre, Text, Composition, Transmission, Movement)
4.Material Culture of Music

If you cannot attend any of these events, please email me ASAP.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Post 1 – January 19, 2010 at 8am

Choose one music-culture which has influenced you. After our discussion of music-cultures on Thursday, January 14th, describe the music-culture and explain how it has shaped who you are today. Be sure to provide hyperlinks to relevant websites and feel free to include pictures, videos, etc. as long as credit is given. (For example, include a hyperlink if content was taken from another website or provide bibliographic information if taken from another source.)

REMINDER: Check the Assignment Guidelines (to the left) for general post requirements.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Introduction to MUSI 1306 Blogs

This is not a lecture-based course. Although the course has a freshman course number and meets at 8:30am, I do not expect to see bobbing/sleepy heads and blank expressions. The purpose of this course is to BETTER understand music … of any culture. To achieve this, we will learn basic music and anthropology concepts applicable to most, if not all, cultures and then dive into music cultures throughout the world which allow us to practice these methods and gain better insight. Although this might sound a bit dry, the methods for understanding music will range from student blogs which explore subcultures of your interest from general content covered in class to in-class workshops which might require that you get out of your seats. Yes, there are some lectures, but I hope this online environment will open doors to in-person discussions as well.

In the meantime, here are a few steps to get you started on your class blogs.

  1. Create a blog through http://www.blogspot.com for the purposes of completing assignments for this course but feel free to expand your blog into other discussions about music.

  2. Once the blog address is established, email the blog address to me (see email on course syllabus) with your full name and MUSI 1306 in the subject line.

  3. Familiarize yourself with blogspot and begin working on Post 1 (due January 19th at 8am).

  4. By Thursday, January 14th, you should see your blog listed under “Student Blogs” to the right. If your blog address does not appear, please resend the address and recheck the email address on your syllabus.

Posts will be made to this blog regularly for assignment guidelines, announcements, and other helpful information.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Although assignments will be posted to your blogs this semester, you will NOT receive a grade for your assignments unless you post BOTH to your blog AND Turnitin.com. Please familiarize yourself with both early in the semester and visit office hours/schedule an appointment if help is needed.

Enjoy your world music blogs this semester!

Introduction to MUSI 1306 Blogs

This is not a lecture-based course. Although the course has a freshman course number and meets at 8:30am, I do not expect to see bobbing/sleepy heads and blank expressions. The purpose of this course is to BETTER understand music … of any culture. To achieve this, we will learn basic music and anthropology concepts applicable to most, if not all, cultures and then dive into music cultures throughout the world which allow us to practice these methods and gain better insight. Although this might sound a bit dry, the methods for understanding music will range from student blogs which explore subcultures of your interest from general content covered in class to in-class workshops which might require that you get out of your seats. Yes, there are some lectures, but I hope this online environment will open doors to in-person discussions as well.

In the meantime, here are a few steps to get you started on your class blogs.

  1. Create a blog through http://www.blogspot.com for the purposes of completing assignments for this course but feel free to expand your blog into other discussions about music.
  2. Once the blog address is established, email the blog address to me (see email on course syllabus) with your full name and MUSI 1306 in the subject line.
  3. Familiarize yourself with blogspot and begin working on Post 1 (due January 19th at 8am).
  4. By Thursday, January 14th, you should see your blog listed under “Student Blogs” to the right. If your blog address does not appear, please resend the address and recheck the email address on your syllabus.

Posts will be made to this blog regularly for assignment guidelines, announcements, and other helpful information.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Although assignments will be posted to your blogs this semester, you will NOT receive a grade for your assignments unless you post BOTH to your blog AND Turnitin.com. Please familiarize yourself with both early in the semester and visit office hours/schedule an appointment if help is needed.

Enjoy your world music blogs this semester!