Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Exam 3: Take Home Exam

MUSI 1306 (Understanding Music) Exam 3 – Take Home Exam

Essay (25 points per answer, 100 points total)
Choose FOUR of the following questions. Be sure to outline your thoughts and find appropriate support for your argument. Your answers of 300-400 words (for each topic) should draw from class readings, lectures/videos, discussions, and your own insight. Post your answers as one file on Turnitin.com by 11:59pm on Tuesday, May 11, 2010. No late submissions will be accepted.

1. The consultation of ethnomusicologist Wanda Bryant in the music of Avatar is significant in understanding the steps taken to produce a film score of this nature. How do James Horner and Wanda Bryant separate the soundscapes representing the Na’vi and humans? Discuss the differences in musical characteristics and point to particular songs or scenes in which these differences are heard. Also consider the implications of these two soundscapes. How does this shape the audience’s watching/listening experience? (Tip: Avatar is now available to rent or purchase in stores, and it may be helpful to watch this movie again if your original notes are not detailed.)

2. This semester, we discussed four opera cultures: early 19th century Italian opera, late 19th century Italian opera, opera’s presence in music cultures today, and the operas of Philip Glass. Write about one music culture, and include all four aspects of music culture (ideas, activities, repertoires, material culture).

3. Our discussion of American musicals focused on the impact of Oklahoma and its reflexivity of musicals to American culture of that time. How was this musical reflexive? Be specific and include support from the article reading, class lecture/video. Since this musical is still widely performed today, what aspects of this musical still reflect American society in 2010?

4. The film The Language You Cry In presents an interdisciplinary project involving an ethnomusicologist, anthropologist, and linguist to trace the roots of one Gullah family to Sierra Leone. Why is this significant? (Be sure to refer back to video rather than to focus on merely personal feelings regarding this issue.) This project also brings about new concerns in ethnomusicology with regards to preservation documentation and analysis (that is studying music cultures in collaborative projects with the intent to preserve them). Unfortunately, there are far more music cultures than ethnomusicologists or funding for this type of research. In the Dallas area, list one music culture which should be preserved and studied. What other specialists should be involved?

5. The discussion of urban versus electric blues often leads to a heated debate over authenticity and the long time question: “Can white people sing the blues?” Address both sides of this argument without making your own personal opinion known.

6. Choose to write about one subgenre of rock. Be sure to address all of the following: a tradition in which this subgenre was created (i.e. influential genres), ideas which make this subgenre unique from other subgrenres of rock, performance-related aspects of this music culture (i.e. mosh pits), notable artists and songs, and patterns of audience members of this music culture (i.e. age ranges, genders, ethnicity/race, etc.).

NOTE: To prevent collusion, these answers should not appear on your class blog. You should also avoid copy/pasting from your class blog as well as this will appear on your originality report.
Please submit to Turnitin.com early to avoid any problems in the way of originality long before the deadline.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Remaining Classes

This is just a quick reminder that the remainder of the semester is as follows:

Tuesday, April 27th:
8:00am - Performance Report 2 DUE (Turnitin.com and class blog)
8:30-9:45am - Exam 3 Questions Distributed for Take-Home Exam, Course Evaluations

Thursday, April 29th:
8:30-9:45am - Make-up Video Watching of Language You Cry In (optional class)

Tuesday, May 11th:
11:59pm - Exam 3 DUE on Turnitin.com
11:59pm - Extra Credit blog posts DUE on class blog
no exam during scheduled exam period

Friday, April 23, 2010

Extra Credit Blog Posts

You may receive credit for up to five of the below extra credit blog posts. Blog posts are due Tuesday, May 11th at 11:59pm on your class blog.

UT-Dallas Spring Arts Festival
Write a 300-word performance report post for each Spring Festival event you attend (from the options below). Be sure to mention the music itself (using music vocabulary), the performers/performance, audience, and time/space. NOTE: You may not write about an event in which you performed!

Musica Nova - 8:00 pm - Performance Hall

Voice/Senior Honors recitals - 2:00 pm - University Theatre

Piano Solo Recital - 4:00pm - Performance Hall
Piano Courses - 6:00 pm - Performance Hall
Composition Courses - 8:00 pm - Performance Hall

Guitar Courses - 7:00 pm - Performance Hall
String Orchestra - 7:30 pm - University Theatre

Beginning Voice - 6:00 pm - Performance Hall
Electric Guitar/Jazz Band - 7:30 pm - Performance Hall
Novis - 8:30 pm - Performance Hall

Wind Ensemble - 4:00 pm - Performance Hall
Choral Concert - 8:00 pm - University Theatre

Mariachi in DFW
Write a 300-word post for each mariachi event which addresses the aspects of music performance (music itself, performer/performance, audience, time/space) as well as answers the following question: What does this event tell us about mariachi in Dallas/Fort Worth today? (For example: Are new instruments being introduced? What is the target audience?) Below is a list of approved events. If you have any recommendations for events, please leave a comment to this post with details and a website if possible. I will update as I learn of more events.

Friday Nights at La Mexicana Restaurant (7:30-9:30pm) in Duncanville

Saturday, May 1st - Cinco de Mayo in the West End - FREE
12:00pm - 12:30 pm: Bryan Adams HS Mariachi Band
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm: Mariachi 90
Note: The DART Rail has a stop in the West End

Wednesday, May 5th (start around 5pm) - Cinco de Mayo at Mattitos Restaurant in Dallas
*This is an approximate time since the Mariachi bands will perform as well as a salsa band in the evening. The mariachi band will stay for 2 hours but their exact time has yet to be established.

Dallas area restaurant - El Ranchito's website shows daily mariachi bands, but you might call ahead before dining to be find out what time the mariachi bands perform.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Last Music Culture Blog Post (due 8am Tuesday, April 20)

In preparation for the lecture on Rock music cultures, write a 200-300-word blog post which does the following:

1) Introduces the elements of one subgenre of Rock (see pages 352-353 for a sample list of elements). When compiling your list, consider the unique elements of this subgenre. You may tie in the elements of music culture as well as music performance for ideas.

2) Gives an example of this rock subgenre with a Listening Guide (see Listening Guides in your textbook for examples) which guides the reader through the song.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Side Show: The Musical (Required Performance for Performance Report 2)

As noted in your syllabus (see Grading Policy with assignment descriptions and required on-campus events and the course calendar), the class is required to attend the on-campus production of Side Show: The Musical for Performance Report 2. Performances are 8pm on Thursdays/Fridays/Saturdays for the next 2 weeks. (April 8-10 and 15-17) For more information, click here.

If you cannot attend this performance, please email me immediately or speak with me before/after class.

Extra Credit Blog Post (due Tuesday, April 20th at 8am)
We spoke last class about the post 1943 being a reflection on society. Post a 200-300-word blog post which examines Side Show: The Musical and discusses how this musical reflects society today. (Since this performance is for a college audience, please focus on this specific "society.") Keep in mind that this blog post is separate from your Performance Report 2 and should not address the four aspects of music performance.
Note: Anyone may participate in this extra credit regardless of previous extra credit posts.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Music Culture Blog Post 11 (due Tuesday, April 13)

In place of the textbook reading on "African-American Music," please read and watch the following online material on the Gullah people of South Carolina and Georgia and complete the following blog activity.

- "Introduction" The Gullah: Rice, Slavery, and the Sierra Leone-American Connection
- "The Origin of the Gullah"
- "Gullah Customs and Traditions"
- "The Gullah Today"
- "Conclusion"
- "A Gullah Song in Mende"
- Gullah Island

- Gullah/Geechee Nation International Music & Movement Festival

Blog Post 11
From the above reading and watching, write a 200-300-word post introducing the music culture of the Gullah people. To provide a general overview, you may include the aspects of music culture (ideas, activities, repertoires, and material culture) as well as aspects of music performance (music, performers, audience, time/space) from the above YouTube examples as well as up to one example of your choosing. As is the case with any blog post, avoid any and all evaluation of this music culture or the information above.

Note: This is not required for this blog post, be sure to read other students' blog posts for this assignment before coming to class on Thursday, April 15th. Although our discussion of music cultures will change from Tuesday to Thursday, several issues will be consistent between the discussions.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Extra Credit Blog Posts

You may receive credit for up to one blog post based on the events below. Be sure to address all aspects of "music performance" (music, performers, audience, and time/space) in 200-300 words.